I have asked the Lib Dems what they will do about inconsiderate parking.
I wrote 'When will you decriminalise parking and stop parking on double yellow lines and on the pavement.
Please look at my albums of pics - Whitchurch Village has always got cars parked on double yellow lines stopping the bus pulling in. Sophie Howe -New Labour
JOIN Living Streets if you agree that we should:
Create communities free from fear of traffic
Excess traffic speed kills. Especially at risk are the vulnerable - pedestrians, cyclists, children and elderly. But excess speed also kills the life of our streets as fear of accidents means children are kept indoors, people are less likely to walk to local amenities and community interaction is inhibited. We want:
Comprehensive speed management plans for all of our cities, towns and villages
20mph speed limits on all the community streets where we live, shop, work and play
Speed control through widespread traffic calming and enforcement techniques
Stop pavement parking
Vehicle parking on pavements, at pedestrian crossing points and alongside dropped kerbs is on the increase. This poses a major barrier to walking, particularly for those with mobility difficulties. In London pavement parking has been banned and decriminalised so that local authorities rather than police can enforce the ban.
We want:
The Welsh Assembly to give councils effective powers against pavement parking and anti-social parking Councils to decriminalise procedures and introduce fines for bad parking
Design streets for all
For decades roads have been designed predominantly for traffic, ignoring the needs of walkers even where there are more people travelling on foot than in vehicles. Streets and public spaces should be more than traffic corridors, for instance as playgrounds, meeting places and markets.
We want:
More space for walking and cycling, less for cars and lorries
Streets classified and redesigned by their use as play, residential, mixed or distributory
Give walking a higher profile
Walking is a vital ingredient of health and social inclusion as well as a key component in environmental and transport policies. The contribution walking makes to our communities must be recognised by the Welsh Assembly and local authorities.
We want:
A joined-up national policy framework for walking in Wales
A major role for walking and sustainable travel in national, regional and local transport policy
Councils to produce Walking Strategies linked to Health Improvement Programmes like
Walking Works Wales is a new Living Streets initiative, funded by Health Challenge Wales
Upgrade walking networks
Local pedestrian networks are often in a poor state after decades of neglect, leaving inadequate footway widths, safety hazards, unnecessary obstacles to movement and visual clutter. Basic standards of accessibility for disabled users, as expected to follow from the Disability Discrimination Act, are not being met.
We want:
Community Street Audits of key walking routes to schools, community facilities and public transport
Resourced improvement programmes for upgrading footpaths and public space
Better walking access in new developments
Shops and essential services need to be within a 15 minute walk of homes to be truly accessible on foot. We want new developments to achieve a mix of housing with shops and essential services nearby to minimise the need to travel. New areas and planning proposals should be designed to ensure walkability, with direct, attractive and safe path networks to key local facilities.
We want: Walkability testing for all new development proposals, by local authorities at the planning application stage.
The Welsh Assembly Government to highlight the needs of pedestrians to developers, planners and engineers through guidance, training and awareness raising
Promote walking
Walking is easy, cheap, and often social. We need to encourage people to walk as part of their daily lives.
We want:
The Welsh assembly Government to continue to strongly promote the advantages of walking for health, transport and the environment by supporting more walking initiatives
Local authorities and community plan partners to adopt walking as a key measure of the success of Community Plans and Joint Health Improvement programmes
A series of sustainable travel towns introduced across SWales to test approaches to active travel, with walking and walkability as key components of the approach
Make public transport accessible
Walking is an essential part of public transport trips but often pedestrian routes to bus stops are inaccessible, particularly for those whose mobility is impaired. The quality of pedestrian access in and around many rail and bus stations is also poor. Under the Disability Discrimination Act it is unacceptable for this to continue. We believe a better pedestrian environment will encourage more walking and public transport use, helping to ease congestion and improving health.
We want:
Walkability Audits of all bus and rail stations and main routes to them