It is clear that the current system needs to be improved. The sooner the better. This persistant and blatant illegal perking has to be stopped. The picture shows Whitchuch Village where drivers park on double yellow lines with total impunity.
IMPROVED MEASURES FOR CAR PARKING CONTROL consultation package was published for consultation on 30th January
2007. The closing date for comments is 28th March 2007. The document will be
displayed on the Transport for Wales website from 12:00pm on Tuesday 6th
February 2007.
This consultation deals with new proposals to strengthen decriminalised parking enforcement. The proposals will be given effect through Regulations made under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.
Plans for new measures to overhaul the country’s system of civil parking enforcement in Wales. The draft proposals make clear that the Welsh Assembly Government wants local authorities to use parking enforcement powers to keep the traffic flowing and not to raise money.
Regulating the availability and pricing of car parking is an important tool for restraining the growth in the use of private car and for encouraging the shift to public transport. The Assembly Government will continue to support local authorities to take on these management responsibilities. The aim is a fairer system for all.
The highlights of the Government’s proposals, which goes to public consultation today, include:
• Wheel clamping only for the most persistent parking penalty evaders
• More transparency and information for road users with authorities publishing their policies and reports
• Dedicated training for everyone involved in administering civil parking enforcement from on the street right up to the boardroom
• A more motorist-friendly appeals process with a penalty charge discount reoffered after an informal challenge
30th January 2007
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