Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WAG doesn't know how M4 across Gwent levels is to be funded!

Questions asked of WAG and reply by
Smith, Wayne (DE&T - RNR8) Wayne.Smith@Wales.GSI.Gov.UK

Re a new toll road across the Gwent Levels

Please can you tell me how this is going to be funded. Is it a PFI or PPP?

The WAG page on this
Studies will now be carried out to investigate funding and procurement methods for the new M4. These studies will include an analysis of private/public funding partnerships.

Have these studies been carried out and what was the conclusion?
Please can you send me a copy.

The reply - does this answer the question?

The Outline Business Case for the project is presently being prepared. This will primarily consider how the project could be funded, financed and procured, tolling is considered as one of the options within this case.

This Business Case for the project is due to be submitted to the Minister shortly as Ministerial approval will be necessary to decide if the project should proceed to the necessary statutory procedures to provide the powers to construct the scheme.

After the Minister has considered the document and a decision has been made, the details therein will be available to the public, which is anticipated for 2009.